Silverton Evangelical Church

Mission Support

SEC actively supports and engages in world mission, aiming to play our part in fulfilling Christ's commission, both in the UK and internationally.  We support a range of people and organisations, most of which have a link with SEC.

The Mission Support Team is currently comprised of 5 church members. We all have a particular enthusiasm for mission and two of us have previously worked ‘full time’ on the mission field. We meet about four times a year.

Our aims are:

  1. To allocate, prayerfully and wisely the 10% of unrestricted church income which the membership gives to Mission Projects every financial year.
  2. To communicate information to the church family about the causes which SEC supports, in order to stimulate greater interest and more informed prayer for them.

Below are listed the missions and organisations which we have been able to support recently: 

CROSSLINE in Exeter, runs a venue near the Job Centre where vulnerable adults can have a hot meal, get some fresh basic clothing and, equally importantly, find friendship, emotional support and spiritual help. It is run by Christians from various churches. Three members of SEC volunteer their services regularly at Crossline.

EXETER INTERNATIONAL OUTREACH began an International English café in Exeter in 2022, since when they have welcomed over 300 guests from 20 countries. Led by Scott Bradridge, an experienced English teacher and supported by a team of over 40 volunteers, they work alongside HongKongers, refugees and asylum seekers, offering friendship to those learning English and adapting to UK culture. The team long to make God known and share the good news of Jesus with Internationals living in our country.

SEC began supporting this work financially and in prayer early in 2024.


The ECU exists to spread the message of the Gospel on campus, to give every student the opportunity to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus.


Every week students meet together to hear from God’s Word, to pray and to praise Him for who He is and what He is doing on campus and in the world. The format of the evening may vary per week, from local church leaders or other speakers giving a talk to seminar evenings focused on applying God’s Word practically in our university lives. The CU hope that ‘Central’ is a place where students feel welcome and make solid friendships! The group usually head to the pub afterwards, which is a great way to continue chatting.

SEC supports a UCCF (Universities & Colleges Christian Fellowship) Staff Worker at Exeter Uni.

FRANCE MISSION, also known as ‘PERSPECTIVES’ has the subtitle, ‘Love France. Love Mission, Love Church’. It is a support organisation providing targeted, strategic support to help the French Evangelical Church move closer to achieving its own goals. Its vision is to see increasing numbers of people encountering God through the work and witness of local churches.

In 2023, we began a ‘twinning’ relationship with a newly planted church near Guincamp in Brittany. Our aims include praying for each other and initiating visits to our respective churches.


The Walmsley family relocated to Central Asia a few years ago. Following some language study, they now live in a community of about 5000 families where Jez teaches computer skills. Lois runs an English language group for women and also homeschools the 4 children. Jeremy and Lois enjoy getting to know local families and making the most of opportunities to share their lives with them. In January 2023, we were delighted to welcome the whole Walmsley family to SEC and were able to learn a lot more about their life and work in Central Asia.

LIFEWORDS (formerly Scripture Gift Mission) exists because the Bible is for everyone. The organisation wants people everywhere to experience it as good news for their lives, and for the world. The Bible’s life words transform lives. Lives of street children in India. Lives of East African teenagers. Lives of people in rural Indonesia. Lives of Instagrammers in the UK. Lifewords believe that cost shouldn’t be a barrier to people finding a way into the Bible, so Lifewords resources and programmes are freely available, wherever you are in the world, thanks to the generosity of individuals, churches, and Trusts who support Lifewords.

SEC has an extensive selection of ‘Lifewords’ booklets which members and friends are encouraged to take, read and pass on to others.  

SWBA (South West Baptist Association) SWBA’s Home Mission Fund allocates grants to facilitate church planting, resourcing and renewing local churches and to contribute towards mission projects. (SEC is affiliated to the SWBA)                                                                                                                                  

TABS (Together - Achieving - Believing - Sustaining) 

TABS is a project supporting a Christian school at Kiandutu in the slums of Thika in Kenya and has been visited by some members of the Mission Support team, most recently in February 2023. The primary school is thriving and the next project is to create a secondary school which meets the criteria set by the Kenyan government. The longer term goal is that the project should be self-supporting.

TEARFUND - Loving our neighbour 

Tearfund is a Christian charity that partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries. It tackles poverty through sustainable development, responding to disasters, and challenging injustice. Tearfund believes that an end to extreme poverty is possible.  SEC members frequently want to respond to appeals following disasters, conflict, famine and other emergencies. These gifts are usually forwarded to TearFund. 

 YMCA EXETER                                                                                                                                              

YMCA Exeter is a Christian charity seeking to show love and compassion to young people in need.  Their mission is to demonstrate Christ’s love through practical service that empowers young people to flourish.  They seek to do this by running youth groups, offering accommodation to those at risk or homeless, helping people apply for jobs and supporting ex-offenders.  We have strong links with YMCA Exeter through SEC members. 

In addition to these projects, we are delighted to have been able to send gifts in recent years to a Devon branch of CAP (Christians Against Poverty), Christian CMS staff in Ukraine, WorldShare (Ukraine project),  Open Doors (supporting the Persecuted Church) and SANDES, a Christian Ministry to Army and Air Force personnel.

If you would like to know more about any of our mission activities, please take a look at the Mission Support Notice Board in the church hall or contact: 

Sally Rotheray by email