Silverton Evangelical Church

Meet the Team

The principle of shared leadership has been core to how SEC is led.   We believe that God gives gifts to every Christian for the building up of the church. Many people use these gifts to serve the church in different ways.

Staff Team

Andy Mathers has been working full time for the church since 2013 as our Church Leader and Community Worker. Andy chairs the Ministry Team and lives in the village with his wife Laura and their four daughters. You can contact Andy here.


Kayleigh Duke has been working part time for the church since 2023 as our Youth and Children's Worker. Kayleigh heads up our youth teams and seeks to support families in the church and wider community. You can contact Kayleigh here.


Leadership Teams

Ministry Team - take responsibility for overseeing different aspects of the church’s ministry.


Resources Team - amongst other things take care of church property and finances.

Trustees - have overall responsibility for the governance of the church.