Silverton Evangelical Church

Community Action

Rhoma  SueOur church members are involved in a whole host of different groups and organisations in the village, seeking to offer our support and service in whatever way is needed.  Many of our members live in the village making us ideally placed to identify needs as they occur.  We run a range of groups that benefit people in the community.

We have excellent links with Silverton Primary School where our Church Leader and Community Worker takes regular assemblies and was previously a governor. 



During term time on Friday mornings we run a very popular Toddler Group.  We offer a very warm welcome, hospitality and friendship to the many mums, dads and toddlers who attend from Silverton and surrounding area. We also run Friday Clubs for primary aged children.


We regularly run courses specifically designed for people who want to know more about the Christian faith.  Please let us know if you would be interested in joining one.


Silverton Street Market is held on the first Saturday of August each year. Along with a wide assortment of stalls lining the village’s narrow main street, there is entertainment and fun for all the family.  The thousands of pounds raised is shared between various village organisations.  Members of SEC are very involved with a number being on the organising committee

We are always open to new ideas and initiatives. If you have any queries (or suggestions of how we can serve our community) please do contact Andy Mathers, our Church Leader and Community Worker on 07826 454085